### File with example settings for installing the service manager. These ### settings will be imported into service_manager.xml ${DB_USERNAME} service # user that owns the postgres database ${DB_PASSWORD} servicepw # user password langrid-${VERSION} servicegrid # database name ${NODE_GRIDID} LappsGrid # has to be unique ${NODE_GRIDNAME} LappsGrid # not important, used as a fallback if no id is present ${NODE_NODEID} node1 # not important, a grid alledgedly has several nodes ${NODE_NAME} node1 # but currently there is only one ${AE_TOMCAT_ADDRESS} http://localhost:8080 # tomcat URL ${NODE_URL} http://localhost:8080/service_manager # service manager URL, do not change # the last part of the path ${NODE_OS} # no value means the empty string will be inserted ${NODE_CPU} ${NODE_MEMORY} ${NODE_SPECIALNOTES} ${OPERATOR_USERID} operator # name of the service manager root user ${OPERATOR_INITIALPASSWORD} operator ${OPERATOR_ORGANIZATION} LappLand Operator # this is what is printed in the service manager ${OPERATOR_RESPONSIBLEPERSON} Marc Verhagen ${OPERATOR_EMAILADDRESS} marc@cs.brandeis.edu ${OPERATOR_HOMEPAGEURL} http://lappland.org ${OPERATOR_ADDRESS} Skandinavia ${SM_GRIDNAME} LAPPS Grid # used for display purposes ${SM_COPYRIGHT} LappLand 2014