MASC 3.0.0

This is a list of all documents in MASC sorted by word count.

ID Size Filename Title
MASC1-00046 20817 Day3PMSession.hdr Day3PMSession
MASC3-0084 16582 pirates.hdr Pirates of the Caribbean
MASC2-0039 16001 2nd_Gore-Bush.hdr The Second Gore-Bush Presidential Debate
MASC2-0040 15416 3rd_Bush-Kerry.hdr The Third Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate
MASC1-00062 14779 VOL15_3.hdr VOL15_3
MASC3-0061 13078 tweets2.hdr Twitter corpus part 2
MASC3-0089 11658 JurassicParkIV-Scene_5.hdr The Lost World: Jurassic Park
MASC3-0088 11658 JurassicParkIV-Scene_4.hdr The Lost World: Jurassic Park
MASC3-0087 11658 JurassicParkIV-Scene_3.hdr The Lost World: Jurassic Park
MASC3-0086 11658 JurassicParkIV-Scene_1.hdr The Lost World: Jurassic Park
MASC3-0085 11658 JurassicParkIV-INT.hdr The Lost World: Jurassic Park
MASC3-0060 11102 tweets1.hdr Twitter corpus part 1
MASC2-0043 10466 Nathans_Bylichka.hdr Nathan?s Bylichka
OANC-61339 9817 WhereToHongKong.hdr Hong Kong
MASC3-0049 9235 Lessig-court-transcript.hdr Transcript of ERIC ELDRED, ET AL., Petitioners v. JOHN D. ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL
OANC-00000 8064 rybczynski-ch3.hdr ch3
MASC3-0059 7902 20020731-nyt.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC2-0035 7512 Bmr021.hdr ICSI Meeting corpus - Bmr021
MASC2-0045 7400 Ant_Robot.hdr Proposal for a Red Harvester Ant Robot: Colony Infiltration and Task Switching
MASC2-0034 6870 Bed012.hdr ICSI Meeting corpus - Bed012
MASC3-0080 6788 fcic_final_report_conclusions.hdr Conclusions of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
MASC2-0037 6142 CUP1.hdr Deformation and river response (chapter 2 of Active Tectonics and Alluvial Rivers)
MASC1-00044 6064 chapter-10.hdr chapter-10
MASC3-0096 5984 hotel-california.hdr Hotel California
MASC3-0121 5491 1402.hdr Games [Serial Killer Challenge] and others
MASC2-0038 5445 CUP2.hdr The future of boundaryless careers (Chapter 7, pp. 101-114, of The Future of Career, Eds. Audrey Collin, Richard A. Young)
MASC3-0122 5423 1403.hdr Arrival and others
MASC2-0042 5409 captured_moments.hdr Captured Moments
MASC3-0118 5321 1399.hdr The Apartment and others
MASC3-0119 5258 1400.hdr Paradoxical Behavior Unaccounted For and others
MASC3-0100 5138 Effing-Idiot.hdr Effing Idiot
MASC3-0083 4874 Postal_Rate_Comm-ReportToCongress2002WEB.hdr Report To The Congress: Authority of The United States Postal Service to Introduce New Products and Services and to Enter Into Rate And Service Agreements with Individual Customers or Groups of Customers
MASC2-0041 4861 A_defense_of_Michael_Moore.hdr A defense of Michael Moore and ““Bowling for Columbine””
MASC3-0120 4806 1401.hdr The Sight of a Blinded Man and others
MASC3-0081 4804 Env_Prot_Agency-nov1.hdr Testimony of Jeff Holmstead Assistant Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Before The Committee on Environment and Public Works United States Senate
MASC1-00043 4408 ch5.hdr ch5
MASC2-0047 4239 Bartok.hdr Tonal Structure and Form in Bart?k?s Concerto for Orchestra (I)
MASC2-0044 3874 The_Black_Willow.hdr The Black Willow
MASC3-0196 3738 175841.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 175841
OANC-50983 3637 1471-2091-2-9.hdr 1471-2091-2-9
OANC-61200 3604 WhatToHongKong.hdr Hong Kong
MASC3-0263 3513 jokes1.hdr Jokes 1
OANC-50897 3380 1468-6708-3-1.hdr 1468-6708-3-1
MASC2-0036 3371 interview_nathan_hole.hdr Interview with Nathan Hole
MASC2-0046 3269 Ohio_Steel.hdr The Decline of the Northeastern Ohio Steel Market: Why Did Attempts by Union Leaders and Concerned Citizens to Revive the Steel Industry Ultimately Fail?
MASC2-0048 3191 anth_essay_4.hdr Indigenous Revitalization Movements of Latin America: The Rediscovery of Language and Identity
MASC3-0090 3190 Black_and_white.hdr The Significance of Black and White in Westerm and Eastern Culture
MASC3-0114 3067 detroit.hdr Detroit and the Myth of the $100 House
MASC3-0095 2925 easy_money.hdr Easy Money
MASC3-0092 2923 Homosexuality.hdr What causes Homosexuality in Males?
OANC-56926 2909 rr166.hdr rr166
MASC1-00049 2713 HistoryGreek.hdr HistoryGreek
OANC-60958 2712 HistoryLasVegas.hdr Los Angeles
MASC1-00050 2664 HistoryJerusalem.hdr HistoryJerusalem
MASC3-0271 2594 jokes2.hdr Jokes 2
MASC3-0272 2511 jokes3.hdr Jokes 3
OANC-58983 2469 journal.pbio.0020001.hdr journal.pbio.0020001
MASC3-0102 2366 Fermentation_HR5034.hdr H.R. 5034: The Lies, The Facts, The Fictions
MASC3-0101 2338 Fermentation_Eminent-Domain.hdr Eminent Domain Used To Usurp Wine Label Real Estate
MASC3-0273 2281 jokes4.hdr Jokes 4
MASC1-00052 2258 NapierDianne.hdr NapierDianne
OANC-51534 2235 1471-213X-1-1.hdr 1471-213X-1-1
OANC-53313 2228 1471-230X-2-21.hdr 1471-230X-2-21
OANC-50912 2166 1468-6708-3-3.hdr 1468-6708-3-3
MASC1-00061 2106 sw2078-ms98-a-trans.hdr sw2078-ms98-a-trans
MASC3-0082 2075 LSC-Protocol_Regarding_Access.hdr Access to Records
MASC3-0091 1961 Madame_White_Snake.hdr Madame White Snake: East Asian Femme Fatale of Old
MASC3-0270 1870 jokes16.hdr Jokes 16
MASC2-0051 1865 NYTnewswire2.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC1-00055 1863 ReidSandra.hdr ReidSandra
MASC2-0058 1855 NYTnewswire9.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0274 1818 jokes5.hdr Jokes 5
MASC3-0094 1644 cable_spool_fort.hdr The Cable Spool Fort
MASC3-0301 1539 lists-046-11493928.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-11493928
MASC2-0055 1498 NYTnewswire6.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0115 1490 lessig_blog-carbon.hdr United carbon offset disappointment
MASC3-0173 1459 12176.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 12176
MASC3-0136 1445 111381.hdr Spam email - 111381
MASC3-0265 1424 jokes11.hdr Jokes 11
MASC1-00059 1376 sw2025-ms98-a-trans.hdr sw2025-ms98-a-trans
MASC3-0277 1343 jokes8.hdr Jokes 8
MASC3-0275 1338 jokes6.hdr Jokes 6
MASC3-0268 1304 jokes14.hdr Jokes 14
MASC3-0066 1270 appalachian1.hdr Mail flyer - Appalachian Mountain Club
MASC1-00058 1260 sw2015-ms98-a-trans.hdr sw2015-ms98-a-trans
MASC3-0264 1230 jokes10.hdr Jokes 10
MASC3-0108 1222 Uprooted_Bike.hdr Save the World, Ride a Bike: a visit to Troy Bike Rescue
MASC3-0292 1175 lists-003-2205935.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2205935
MASC3-0071 1170 defenders5.hdr Mail flyer - Defenders of Wildlife
MASC3-0106 1166 Seedbombing.hdr The Apocalyptic Housewife Goes Seedbombing
MASC2-0056 1165 NYTnewswire7.hdr New York Times newswire
OANC-60993 1129 IntroDublin.hdr Diblin
MASC3-0267 1120 jokes13.hdr Jokes 13
MASC3-0069 1100 audubon1.hdr Mail flyer - Audubon Society
MASC3-0276 1075 jokes7.hdr Jokes 7
MASC3-0110 1073 blog-jet-lag.hdr Jet Lag: Pathophysiology and Cures
MASC3-0269 1054 jokes15.hdr Jokes 15
MASC3-0073 1023 hsus4.hdr Mail flyer - Humane Society of the United States
MASC3-0278 1003 jokes9.hdr Jokes 9
MASC3-0111 984 blog-monastery.hdr Tibetan Buddhist Retreat
MASC3-0112 981 blog-new-year’s-resolutions.hdr Self-Control, self-efficacy, and New Year?s resolutions
OANC-24827 974 ArticleIP_1060.hdr ArticleIP_1060
MASC3-0105 963 Italy.hdr The effect of not being on vacation in Italy on a man with a tall stack of papers to grade
MASC3-0113 963 blog-varsity-athletics.hdr Course credit for varsity athletes?
MASC1-00060 938 sw2071-ms98-a-trans.hdr sw2071-ms98-a-trans
MASC3-0109 932 Uprooted_Farming-on-Sand.hdr Farming on Sand: The trouble with ““eating local”” on Cape Cod
OANC-24820 903 ArticleIP_1059.hdr ArticleIP_1059
MASC1-00045 900 chZ.hdr chZ
MASC2-0052 894 NYTnewswire3.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0099 857 Anti-Terrorist.hdr The Anti-Terrorist: Undermining The Motivation For Terrorism
MASC3-0266 836 jokes12.hdr Jokes 12
MASC2-0007 831 wsj_0120.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0122
MASC3-0064 826 NWF1.hdr Mail flyer - National Wildlife Federation
OANC-61035 824 IntroHongKong.hdr Hong Kong
MASC3-0284 809 lists-003-2137010.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2137010
MASC2-0057 805 NYTnewswire8.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0117 797 vampires.hdr Zombies and Vampires and Ninjas and Pirates
MASC3-0304 793 lists-046-12122969.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12122969
MASC3-0098 793 Acephalous-Internet.hdr The Internet occasionally reminds me of how different life is because of it
MASC3-0063 790 IFAW1.hdr Mail flyer - IFAW Animal Sanctuary Fund
MASC3-0075 784 marine1.hdr Mail flyer - Center for Marine Conservation
MASC1-00037 782 Article247_327.hdr Article247_327
MASC3-0141 779 111400.hdr Spam email - 111400
MASC3-0243 754 ucb31.hdr Spam email - ucb31
MASC3-0289 753 lists-003-2173878.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2173878
MASC1-00064 752 wsj_2465.hdr wsj_2465
MASC2-0050 747 NYTnewswire1.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC1-00057 744 sw2014-ms98-a-trans.hdr sw2014-ms98-a-trans
MASC1-00041 734 Article247_500.hdr Article247_500
MASC1-00051 730 lw1.hdr lw1
MASC3-0150 722 114423.hdr Spam email - 114423
MASC3-0127 714 111363.hdr Spam email - 111363
MASC1-00040 709 Article247_400.hdr Article247_400
MASC1-00039 706 Article247_3500.hdr Article247_3500
MASC3-0163 706 114448.hdr Spam email - 114448
MASC3-0190 704 173252.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 173252
MASC2-0053 698 NYTnewswire4.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0213 694 FBI_urgent.hdr Spam email - FBI_urgent
MASC3-0103 692 How_soon-Fans.hdr Facebook Fans: You Get What You Pay for
MASC3-0107 684 Tupelo-Honey-Cafe.hdr|Noshin’ at the Tupelo Honey Cafe Plus, how to get great service in busy restaurants
MASC3-0214 676 Fastest_Reader.hdr Spam email - Fastest_Reader
MASC3-0078 672 wildelifewatch1.hdr Mail flyer - World Wildlife Fund
MASC3-0279 667 lists-003-2114716.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2114716
MASC1-00023 666 116CUL034.hdr 116CUL034
MASC3-0220 663 new_clients.hdr Spam email - new_clients
MASC3-0070 662 audubon2.hdr Mail flyer - Audubon Society
MASC3-0079 657 wwf12.hdr Mail flyer - World Wildlife Fund
MASC3-0097 651 Acephalous-Cant-believe.hdr I can’t believe I wrote all that last year
MASC1-00042 636 Article247_66.hdr Article247_66
MASC1-00028 629 118CWL050.hdr 118CWL050
MASC3-0145 629 111414.hdr Spam email - 111414
MASC3-0188 607 54536.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 54536
MASC3-0072 599 guidedogs1.hdr Mail flyer - For The Blind, Inc.
MASC3-0216 591 Laptop_Bags.hdr Spam email - Laptop_Bags
MASC3-0218 586 Re_JobOffer.hdr Spam email - Re_ Job Offer
MASC3-0104 567 How_soon-Lebron-James.hdr How soon is now? Lebron James Makes His Decision: The A-Rod Route
MASC1-00002 565 110CYL069.hdr 110CYL069
MASC1-00063 531 wsj_1640.mrg-NEW.hdr wsj_1640.mrg-NEW
MASC3-0062 531 AMC2.hdr Mail flyer - Appalachian Mountain Club
MASC1-00000 505 110CYL067.hdr 110CYL067
MASC1-00054 502 PolkMaria.hdr PolkMaria
MASC3-0124 480 111348.hdr Spam email - 111348
MASC3-0116 475 sucker.hdr There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute
MASC1-00038 473 Article247_328.hdr Article247_327
MASC3-0183 465 53536.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 53536
MASC1-00001 449 110CYL068.hdr 110CYL068
MASC3-0297 427 lists-034-10077455.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10077455
MASC1-00004 424 110CYL071.hdr 110CYL071
MASC3-0309 421 lists-046-12146425.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12146425
MASC1-00017 415 114CUL060.hdr 114CUL060
MASC1-00053 412 pmed.0010029.hdr pmed.0010029
MASC3-0126 412 111359.hdr Spam email - 111359
MASC1-00020 404 115CVL037.hdr 115CVL037
MASC1-00006 401 110CYL200.hdr 110CYL200
MASC3-0300 401 lists-046-11489622.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-11489622
MASC3-0181 401 52998.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 52998
MASC2-0054 400 NYTnewswire5.hdr New York Times newswire
MASC3-0160 400 114445.hdr Spam email - 114445
MASC3-0135 396 111380.hdr Spam email - 111380
MASC3-0068 392 att2.hdr Mail flyer - AT&T
MASC1-00048 388 enron-thread-159550.hdr enron-thread-159550
MASC3-0313 387 lists-046-12162937.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12162937
MASC1-00021 385 116CUL032.hdr 116CUL032
MASC3-0215 375 Global_Professional_Directory.hdr Spam email - Globa_Professional_Directory
MASC3-0197 373 176581.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 176581
MASC3-0077 369 warner1.hdr Mail flyer - Time Warner Cable
MASC3-0076 363 united1.hdr Mail flyer - United Airlines
MASC1-00008 357 112C-L013.hdr 112C-L013
MASC1-00019 354 115CVL036.hdr 115CVL036
MASC1-00015 352 114CUL058.hdr 114CUL058
MASC3-0222 350 SgtCassandra.hdr Spam email - SgtCassandra
MASC3-0185 350 54261.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 54261
MASC3-0186 348 54262.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 54262
MASC3-0174 348 21257.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 21257
MASC1-00027 345 118CWL049.hdr 118CWL049
MASC3-0298 343 lists-034-10082707.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10082707
MASC3-0129 341 111367.hdr Spam email - 111367
MASC3-0261 340 ucb8.hdr Spam email - ucb8
MASC1-00056 340 RindnerBonnie.hdr RindnerBonnie
MASC3-0306 333 lists-046-12133410.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12133410
MASC1-00018 331 115CVL035.hdr 115CVL035
MASC3-0131 328 111371.hdr Spam email - 111371
MASC3-0125 328 111349.hdr Spam email - 111349
MASC2-0018 325 wsj_0158.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0158
MASC3-0176 322 49059.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 49059
MASC3-0182 319 52999.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 52999
MASC2-0031 314 wsj_0184.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0184
MASC3-0128 313 111364.hdr Spam email - 111364
MASC1-00010 311 112C-L015.hdr 112C-L015
MASC3-0253 311 ucb48.hdr Spam email - ucb48
MASC3-0293 307 lists-034-10062451.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10062451
MASC3-0296 303 lists-034-10073419.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10073419
MASC3-0148 302 111425.hdr Spam email - 111425
MASC1-00034 301 602CZL285.hdr 602CZL285
MASC1-00016 297 114CUL059.hdr 114CUL059
MASC3-0312 297 lists-046-12158926.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12158926
MASC3-0286 297 lists-003-2148080.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2148080
MASC1-00022 295 116CUL033.hdr 116CUL033
MASC3-0175 295 23559.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 23559
MASC3-0193 295 175448.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 175448
MASC3-0187 294 54263.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 54263
MASC3-0281 289 lists-003-2125109.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2125109
MASC3-0310 286 lists-046-12151335.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12151335
MASC3-0166 282 8885.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 8885
MASC1-00007 280 112C-L012.hdr 112C-L012
MASC3-0149 280 111428.hdr Spam email - 111428
MASC1-00031 275 20000415_apw_eng-NEW.hdr 20000415_apw-NEW
MASC2-0033 269 wsj_0189.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0189
MASC3-0169 262 9159.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 9159
MASC3-0137 261 111382.hdr Spam email - 111382
MASC1-00014 260 114CUL057.hdr 114CUL057
MASC1-00012 258 113CWL017.hdr 113CWL017
MASC3-0203 257 219123.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 219123
MASC3-0074 254 littleshelter2.hdr Mail flyer - Little Shelter
MASC2-0032 252 wsj_0187.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0187
MASC3-0158 251 114442.hdr Spam email - 114442
MASC1-00009 248 112C-L014.hdr 112C-L014
MASC3-0206 244 230685.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 230685
MASC1-00025 242 117CWL009.hdr 117CWL009
MASC1-00026 241 118CWL048.hdr 118CWL048
MASC3-0308 241 lists-046-12142206.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12142206
MASC3-0249 241 ucb44.hdr Spam email - ucb44
MASC2-0002 237 wsj_0027.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0027
MASC3-0171 234 12030.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 12030
MASC1-00036 232 A1.E2-NEW.hdr A1.E2-NEW
MASC1-00029 231 119CWL041.hdr 119CWL041
MASC3-0299 230 lists-046-11485666.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-11485666
MASC3-0179 229 52555.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 52555
MASC1-00030 227 20000410_nyt-NEW.hdr 20000410_nyt-NEW
MASC1-00024 227 117CWL008.hdr 117CWL008
MASC3-0223 225 SEO.hdr Spam email - SEO
MASC3-0194 223 175814.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 175814
MASC1-00032 221 20000419_apw_eng-NEW.hdr 20000419_apw-NEW
MASC3-0154 220 114435.hdr Spam email - 114435
MASC2-0001 215 wsj_0026.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0026
MASC3-0210 215 Cartoonist_services.hdr Spam email - Cartoonist_services
MASC3-0168 215 9085.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 9085
MASC3-0195 214 175816.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 175816
MASC3-0192 214 174124.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 174124
MASC1-00013 213 113CWL018.hdr 113CWL018
MASC3-0144 211 111410.hdr Spam email - 111410
MASC3-0167 206 9066.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 9066
MASC3-0200 201 211402.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 211402
MASC3-0228 200 ucb14.hdr Spam email - ucb14
MASC3-0177 200 50307.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 50307
MASC3-0153 199 114433.hdr Spam email - 114433
MASC1-00011 195 112C-L016.hdr 112C-L016
MASC1-00003 193 110CYL070.hdr 110CYL070
MASC3-0246 191 ucb41.hdr Spam email - ucb41
MASC3-0205 189 221197.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 221197
MASC1-00035 188 A1.E1-NEW.hdr A1.E1-NEW
MASC2-0015 184 wsj_0151.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0151
MASC2-0028 183 wsj_0173.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0173
MASC3-0209 183 Apply.hdr Spam email - Apply
MASC3-0257 181 ucb52.hdr Spam email - ucb52
MASC3-0283 180 lists-003-2133315.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2133315
MASC3-0311 179 lists-046-12155427.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12155427
MASC3-0260 179 ucb6.hdr Spam email - ucb6
MASC2-0013 178 wsj_0144.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0144
MASC2-0019 177 wsj_0159.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0159
MASC2-0010 176 wsj_0132.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0132
MASC3-0151 176 114424.hdr Spam email - 114424
MASC3-0295 175 lists-034-10069772.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10069772
MASC3-0262 173 ucb9.hdr Spam email - ucb9
MASC3-0230 173 ucb2.hdr Spam email - ucb2
MASC3-0212 173 Earnings_Season_Underway.hdr Spam email - Earnings_Season_Underway
MASC3-0226 172 ucb11.hdr Spam email - ucb11
MASC3-0157 172 114441.hdr Spam email - 114441
MASC3-0280 170 lists-003-2121270.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2121270
MASC2-0009 169 wsj_0127.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0127
MASC3-0156 167 114440.hdr Spam email - 114440
MASC3-0224 166 ucb1.hdr Spam email - ucb1
MASC2-0026 164 wsj_0171.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0171
MASC3-0254 164 ucb49.hdr Spam email - ucb49
MASC3-0244 164 ucb4.hdr Spam email - ucb4
MASC3-0229 164 ucb15.hdr Spam email - ucb15
MASC3-0130 164 111369.hdr Spam email - 111369
MASC3-0202 164 219122.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 219122
MASC2-0030 163 wsj_0176.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0176
MASC2-0017 163 wsj_0157.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0157
MASC2-0008 159 wsj_0124.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0124
MASC2-0022 158 wsj_0165.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0165
MASC2-0027 153 wsj_0172.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0172
MASC3-0191 153 173906.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 173906
MASC3-0164 152 114450.hdr Spam email - 114450
MASC3-0132 152 111373.hdr Spam email - 111373
MASC3-0241 151 ucb3.hdr Spam email - ucb3
MASC3-0172 151 12174.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 12174
MASC3-0162 150 114447.hdr Spam email - 114447
MASC2-0024 147 wsj_0168.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0168
MASC3-0165 147 114452.hdr Spam email - 114452
MASC2-0012 144 wsj_0136.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0136
MASC1-00005 144 110CYL072.hdr 110CYL072
MASC3-0207 142 234267.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 234267
MASC3-0138 140 111393.hdr Spam email - 111393
MASC3-0133 139 111375.hdr Spam email - 111375
MASC3-0184 138 53555.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 53555
MASC2-0014 133 wsj_0150.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0150
MASC3-0134 133 111377.hdr Spam email - 111377
MASC3-0161 131 114446.hdr Spam email - 114446
MASC2-0029 130 wsj_0175.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0175
MASC2-0023 130 wsj_0167.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0167
MASC3-0221 128 record_volume.hdr Spam email - record_volume
MASC3-0198 128 210343.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 210343
MASC2-0016 126 wsj_0152.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0152
MASC3-0303 126 lists-046-12119260.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12119260
MASC3-0294 126 lists-034-10066763.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-034-10066763
MASC2-0021 125 wsj_0161.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0161
MASC3-0146 125 111422.hdr Spam email - 111422
MASC3-0307 124 lists-046-12139072.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12139072
MASC2-0025 123 wsj_0169.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0169
MASC3-0305 122 lists-046-12130258.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-12130258
MASC3-0282 122 lists-003-2129640.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-003-2129640
MASC3-0178 122 52201.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 52201
MASC3-0237 121 ucb26.hdr Spam email - ucb26
MASC2-0020 120 wsj_0160.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0160
MASC3-0256 120 ucb51.hdr Spam email - ucb51
MASC3-0201 120 218920.hdr Enron Email Dataset - 218920
MASC2-0005 119 wsj_0073.hdr Wall Sreet Journal wsj_0073
MASC3-0302 115 lists-046-11506817.hdr W3C Public Mailing List Archives - lists-046-11506817
MASC3-0245 113 ucb40.hdr Spam email - ucb40
MASC3-0139 113 111394.hdr Spam email - 111394
MASC3-0239 111 ucb28.hdr Spam email - ucb28
MASC3-0236 109 ucb25.hdr Spam email - ucb25
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