Installing a Service Grid on RHEL6

Version 1, Marc Verhagen, March 2013.

[ sources postgres database creation ]

This document describes how to install the service grid software on Red Hat Enterpris Linux 6. The process is mostly the same as described for Mac OSX, this document only describes the differences.

Downloading Sources

All sources are the same excpet that you need to get the linux version of Postgres. In what follows, I assume that a recent version of postgres is installed.

Postgres Settings

In our case, after Postgres was installed it did not have access control set up the right way and no matter what we did when defing roles, the service manager was not able to access the dababase. So before service manager installation you have to fix this. We ended palying with the two following files:


I am not quites sure on what the minimal necessary steps are, therefore I’ll simply present what worked in the end, then give some intermediate alternative steps. Towards the end of the first file, there are a couple of lines that start with ‘local’ and ‘host’. You can edit these and make them look like the following (whitespace was changed a bit to reflect the concept that these lines have five columns, with the columns representing type, database, user, address and method; so do not cut and paste from here because that will not work since the tabs are off):

local   all   all                  trust
host    all   all   trust
host    all   all   ::1/128        trust

This worked, but may be a bit rough since it does make for rather liberal access control. Originally, we just edited the first line:

local   all   all                  peer map="local"

And we edited the end of the second file and made look like:

local    /(.*)    \1
local    /.*      lapps

Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem, although it did make local access from the command line with psql a lot better.

Dababase Creation

For OSX, the install script did not work and it forced us into using pgAdmin. Here is a quicker way to do this from the command line. Note that you have to be the postgres user to do this.

$ sudo su - postgres
$ createuser -S -D -R -P lapps
$ createdb servicegrid -O lapps -E 'UTF8'
$ createlang plpgsql lapps
$ psql servicegrid <
$ psql servicegrid -c "ALTER FUNCTION
\"AccessStat.increment\"(character varying, character varying,
        character varying, character varying, character varying,
timestamp without time zone,
        timestamp without time zone, integer, timestamp without
time zone, integer, timestamp
        without time zone, integer, integer, integer, integer)
OWNER TO lapps"

The last command was mangled a bit for display purposes by adding in some whitespace.