Installing a Service Manager

This page describes how to install the Service Manager, one of the two main elements of a LAPPS Server.

Short version

To install the Service Manager get the script and run it as root:

$ wget
$ chmod +x
$ sudo ./

More details

See the readme file at

These notes are written with a virgin Ubuntu machine in mind. The install script is currently being updated to deal with CentOS and RHEL.

NOTE: The following needs to be updated given the name change of one-step-install to setup.

Dowloads are at You should get the script.

Running this script will download from and run install scripts included in that package. If needed, those install scripts will also download the latest service manager war file.

Active BPEL is still in there, check this because it is most likely not needed (the Brandeis server never had Active BPEL installed).

It installs Java 7 from Oracle, not the JDK, it even removes the OpenJDK. This is because of some JDBC errors when both existed side-by-side (but this was a problem in 2012, it may have been solved by now).

Running the script should work, but it does not set JAVA_HOME

Here are some historical notes from 2014.

The script is maintained in the repository. It may be moved to

Now an easier proces:

Last steps: